Parking is available in the Midtown Apartments Parking Garage, with entrances on NW 18th Street between NW 1st and NW 2nd Ave and NW 2nd Ave between NW 17th St. and NW 18th St.
Frequently Asked Questions
-1. When can people park in our garage?
They can park here any time they're coming for worship, private prayer, or a St. Augustine's or Catholic Gators sponsored event. They cannot park here for class, other university events, or any other non-St. Augustine's / CG related purpose. We only have so many spots and we need to make sure we have them available for our events!
2. Do I need to register?
If you're visiting Monday-Saturday afternoon and your visit is more than 24 hours in the future, please preregister your car with the link below. If your visit is less than 24 hours in the future, please see a staff member to validate your parking. If you're visiting for a Saturday Vigil or Sunday Mass, no registration is required.
3. Who needs to register?
If someone is coming between the hours of 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, or 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday, they do not need to register their car since we have more parking for Mass at those times and parking is not enforced. If they're coming any other hour of the day or night not mentioned above, they need to register their car with us.
4. Where in the garage can I park?
You can park anywhere on the first two floors where the signs say "Church Parking." You should not park in the "Pay to Park" spaces any other time except for the Saturday Vigil / Sunday Mass. During the week, please do not park on the 3rd floor or above, as that is reserved for Midtown Apartments staff and residents.